
Since 2017, Binary System has embarked on a much desired path of organisational and structural growth, with the aim of concretising a process that has been in place since the company was founded and which will lead the company towards continuous improvement to the full satisfaction of its stakeholders.

Why Certifications?

In a world where the need for administrative and managerial transparency is increasingly translated into excessive formalisation of procedures and ever-increasing bureaucracy, Binary System has decided to put the human being at the centre of the process, embarking on a path that has led it to achieve important efficiency goals and to reach international standards:

The decision to certify Binary System is the result of a strongly shared decision, involving all the staff, who wanted to put their work under the spotlight to verify its real incisiveness and appreciation by customers. It has been a long and arduous process that has tested teamwork for almost a year, requiring each member of staff to confront their professionalism and skills and, in some cases, to update their approaches and methods. Of course, the accuracy of internal workflows is crucial for the proper management of one’s resources and activities. But it is useless and ineffective if you lose sight of the ultimate goal. And that is true customer satisfaction.

On the other hand, compliance with the international requirements established by the ISO and SAS standards allows Binary System to have a kind of compass to guide it along an impenetrable and rapidly changing path and, above all, to help it always point in the right direction: continuous improvement in the interest of the customer.

Achieving certification is therefore just the first seed planted in the vast soil of quality.

A seed that has required a lot of care and attention to germinate, that has aroused the enthusiasm and satisfaction of those who have tended it and watched it grow, but that now that it has blossomed requires just as much dedication.

Quality Documentation Dossier

Information Security Documentation Dossier

Social Responsibility Documentation Dossier

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