Our 2024 strategic vision: an interview with CEO Giacomo Mantovani

As the world transitions towards smarter, more sustainable transport systems, businesses are faced with the need to adapt and transform rapidly. How will Binary System meet these challenges in 2024 and beyond?  

This in-depth interview with CEO Giacomo Mantovani explores the leading trends of transport technology that will shape priorities and actions we will take in the following years. Binary System’s strategic roadmap ensures that we continue to provide the Most Complete Technology Solution for transport undertakings.  

How was 2023 for Binary System and how it has shaped the strategic vision for 2024?
Last year, the transport business experienced substantial growth, providing the opportunity to invest in and enhance our solutions.

This is set to continue in the next years, enabling us not only to consolidate our current market but also to expand into new, promising territories on an international scale.
What are the key trends and challenges emerging in the transport industry?
2024 will be a transformative year for the European railway market, with a focus on safety, harmonization data and growth.

Binary System, we are committed to helping our clients stay ahead of key trends and challenges in the transport industry, enabling them to adapt and transform their production processes to lead the way towards a safer, more efficient and more sustainable future.
How does Binary System plan to stay ahead of these challenges in the coming years?
In 2024, Binary System will deploy unprecedented investments in R&D. This positions us ahead of the curve in the European railway market, aligning perfectly with the aforementioned trends.

Our enhanced software solutions empower customers to embrace these industry challenges, ensuring they remain at the forefront of innovation and efficiency.
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In conclusion, Binary System is well positioned to meet the challenges and opportunities of the evolving transport industry. CEO Giacomo Mantovani’s strategic vision focuses on “investing and expanding” to ensure that the company provides the most complete technology solution for transport undertakings.  

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